I love Doom!

<< Take me back home


Doom was created by ID Software in 1993!
Doom was not the first (pseudo)-3D game ever created, but it was the first I ever played.
We had a Windows 95 computer shared with the family, and at first I only knew the shareware version of Doom. That was all
I knew. I didn't know english very well yet - I am Finnish and I was very young.

I also loved Doom II, but the first episode of original Doom is always the most joy for me. Still play it to this day :)

The Team

Doom was created by ID Software with the lineup of John Romero, John Carmack, Tom Hall to a degree before he left and made Rise of the Triad, Sandy Petersen, Dave Taylor, Adrian Carmack, Kevin Cloud and music by Bobby Prince.

group photo of id software 1993

From left to right: John Carmack, Kevin Cloud, Adrian Carmack (back), John Romero, Tom Hall, and Jay Wilbur.

Reading recommendations:

picture of doomguy book cover

Doomguy is the autobiography of John Romero. A very good read! I have read it once and am listening to it on audio book format at the moment.

masters of doom book cover

I have yet to read this one, but it seems to be on every list.

first doom novelization book cover

The first novelization of the game series, called "Knee-deep in the dead". I have started this one, but haven't finished. It is great fun :D

Second game novelization. Have not read it yet, but it is on my list!



There is like a billion and one thousand seventy-nine different mods for this game, it might be the most modded game ever (based on no fact).

Check out Back to saturn X, Sigil & Sigil II and MyHouse.wad